Wednesday, September 4, 2019



Dear Younger Me,

I know its been a long time since I had written a letter to you. I really hope you are doing well.  The adulting phase is totally hitting reality. You will be astonished to know that I am writing this letter to you, sighting the evening dusk from the daily commute.

The days were best when the career responsibilities just used to encompass in the books and ranks in report cards.  But this 24-year-old girl now understands the gravity of the situation. The scenic situation....away from home, PG lives, rustic food and voice-over phone call of mum and dad. That's life!

The career is one of the finest centric terms. One should be enough capable to stand on his/her feet financially and emotionally, in order to fight the turmoils.

The thing to ponder on... I am not complaining any gaga with you. For sure, the phase is beautiful, so do the journey!

The life away from home is life on of own. Astrictions and gleaning are synonyms in the city, with which you had to construct a life of your own. I repeat... Your own life!

You are the creator of the soul, the path depends on your move.
So I would like to advise you to nourish each gate of moments and occasion.  You are the painter of your canvas. Drive the situation in 'for' the circumstances.

Junior me, living away from home is like the garden of roses. Where you are the gardener of the field. Sowing and cultivating the field lies on the shoulder of yours. You need to stay affirm at the time of the casualty. Plough your field and aloft the experience.

Appreciate every moment and bring the output because you and your parents have hoped the city, away from home.

Bidding you goodbye, I just want to advice you to stay positive. That's all you need! And I promise to stay in touch with you, writing a letter to you in a week. Stay healthy and positive.

Yours Lovingly,
Your Future Self ❤️