Wednesday, September 4, 2019



Dear Younger Me,

I know its been a long time since I had written a letter to you. I really hope you are doing well.  The adulting phase is totally hitting reality. You will be astonished to know that I am writing this letter to you, sighting the evening dusk from the daily commute.

The days were best when the career responsibilities just used to encompass in the books and ranks in report cards.  But this 24-year-old girl now understands the gravity of the situation. The scenic situation....away from home, PG lives, rustic food and voice-over phone call of mum and dad. That's life!

The career is one of the finest centric terms. One should be enough capable to stand on his/her feet financially and emotionally, in order to fight the turmoils.

The thing to ponder on... I am not complaining any gaga with you. For sure, the phase is beautiful, so do the journey!

The life away from home is life on of own. Astrictions and gleaning are synonyms in the city, with which you had to construct a life of your own. I repeat... Your own life!

You are the creator of the soul, the path depends on your move.
So I would like to advise you to nourish each gate of moments and occasion.  You are the painter of your canvas. Drive the situation in 'for' the circumstances.

Junior me, living away from home is like the garden of roses. Where you are the gardener of the field. Sowing and cultivating the field lies on the shoulder of yours. You need to stay affirm at the time of the casualty. Plough your field and aloft the experience.

Appreciate every moment and bring the output because you and your parents have hoped the city, away from home.

Bidding you goodbye, I just want to advice you to stay positive. That's all you need! And I promise to stay in touch with you, writing a letter to you in a week. Stay healthy and positive.

Yours Lovingly,
Your Future Self ❤️

Tuesday, August 6, 2019



Dear Younger Me,

I hope you are doing good and praying for your well being. But in your present, the situation in today's scenario is quite tensed and spectacular in country over the scrapping of Article 370 and 35A in Jammu and Kashmir.

Article 370 and 35A is always the part of political agenda of Afghanistan-Pakistan-US-India for claiming an integral part of Kashmir. Under this article, J&K had been given the special status at the time of framing of constitution way years back. In which, no one was allowed to negotiate land from outer territory of the state, dual citizenship, scrapping of women right of citizenship in J&K if women get married in any other part of the country.

The special status had been always a matter of subject of debate. The people of Kashmir had to face backed doors in curfew constantly in heated atmosphere leading them to suffer in their own forms.

But on 5 August 2019, the Central Government of India amid the growing turmoil in J&K has passed the bill in Rajya Sabha with majority over scrapping of Article 370 and 35A, dividing J&K geographically into Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh with the legislature and no legislature respectively, igniting the debate all over the world.

Most are claiming it as beneficial and freedom for the Kashmiris to levy their decision of Single Country - Single Rule with the right to education, right to information, tendering of land with other states.

As Kashmir is always been considered as tender spot raising debate amid two countries i.e; India and Pakistan where latter is demanding for UN intervention over the scrapping of Article.

Junior me, the opinions are bifurcated as daring act and undemocratic act. The state is facing its 51st shutdown of internet in the year 2019 with thousands of militants armed in the valley causing tension and speculations.

At last bidding you goodbye! I just want to pray for the people living in the state and whatever the results are, may it be in favour of people residing there. And I want you to acknowledge the situation by living peacefully and harmony with your community and make better future self and better India.

Yours Lovingly,
Your Future Self ❤️

Monday, August 5, 2019



Dear Younger Me,

Hoping your assentient well being and sound mannered citizen act from the budding teenager in the favour of nature's fight against its crises prior to my previous letter.

Apart from water crisis and bad air quality health, the world is facing toxicity of plastic made up of polyvinyl chloride polymers deteriorating the balance of nature with man, aquatics and resources.

I know that plastic has been an important part of our lives over the last two decades from plastic in our toothpaste tube to eatables covering. From sewage pipelines to electric fittings. From low-density polythene to high graded plastic tiffins. 

But from the past few years, there is a heated argument going on amid the famous environmental scientists over the plastic ban. 

Plastic is responsible for nature's imbalance due to its toxic behaviour leaking the chemicals due to its non-decomposition behaviour and forced disposal of plastic garbage. 

Plastic act as poison for aquatics and animals choking their throat, leading to death. It also takes part in creating natural imbalance contributing to global warming. 

Whereas till August 2019, 128 countries have given their share of inputs in reducing plastic usage to complete plastic ban at the cost of fall in the economy as plastic covering is cheaper and easier to handle during shipment in comparison to paper and cloth coverings, branding and easy assessability in daily usage.

To support the ban of plastic, the officials are taking every step possible to acknowledge each individual about the hazardous outcomes of continuing the usage of plastics. 

Junior me, you will be astonished to know that plastic ban in India is hitting its use from polythene bags to reusable jute and cloth bags, switching plastic straws to paper and steel straws, packaging polythene to paper. 

At last, saying you goodbye! Just want to advise, use minimal plastic from your end and self-awareness is only source step from the side of the common man in fighting the nature's crisis. Act as the responsible citizen of the country and take part in the global initiative so that your future self will feel proud of your efforts. 

Yours Lovingly,
Your Future Self❤️

Saturday, August 3, 2019



Dear Younger Me,

I hope you are doing well in affirmative prospect and enjoying your budding teenage in learning new and productive variants.

Do you have listen the new trendy words cooking around like Orkut, Rediff, Hotmail? I think the answer is yes because as much as I remember way back in the year 2009 these words were trendy and school kid is considered as stylish in the eye of friends and intellectual in sight of elders, if you know so...

Well, apart from these Facebook was the major fascination for the high school kids in those year, making an account with fancy email ids were no lesser than undercover from parents was the first step in social media platform for ages of you.

Junior me, with the years passed the social media platform has grown wider with depths, with 'n' numbers of social networking sites on your computer to your mobiles, yes mobile! 'The Smartphone'.

The media is easily accessible to almost every pupil in the direct or indirect medium through apps like Instagram, Youtube, WhatsApp for connecting with mass at a higher network speed of 4G to 5G rather than 2G network.

The social media act as boon and curse at the same time for mankind. The social media platforms have made easier to connect with people at the cost of intimacy in relations. Whereas at the same moment it helps in the exposure of business, politics, career, world culture with changing the outlook of education, innovation and entertainment.

The positive side of social media is no lesser than the magical lamp for the progress of society, but there are several backlogs restraining the social and mental health of the community. Cyberbullying, lack of privacy, the effect on relationships, wastage of time, anxiety are the major moral challenges facing in the form of curse with this digital technology.

Bidding you bye! Just want to advise as a senior that use technology in favour of mankind, without effecting your mental health. Never let social media empower you. Be the master, not the slave of this digital era. And make super positive personality adhering the social media, that your future self appreciates and feel the vibe.

Yours Lovingly,
Your Future Self❤️

Friday, August 2, 2019



Dear Younger Me,

I hope you are doing well and had enjoyed your summer vacation to the fullest. I still remember how I used to enjoy the complete two months jumping like a monkey from one place to another, playing pretend games, outdoor sports including gully cricket with my troop struggling to please ‘bhaiyas’ of the colony to let us play with them in the evening.

You will be astonished to learn that women cricket team has finally got its place in this women-oriented society, mindset and hearts. And now, it's just don’t get tagged as men’s sport or their area of wisdom to choose it as a career.

Indian Women Cricket Team is juggling to win hearts and to accelerates their career internationally under the captaincy of Ms Shantha Rangaswamy way back from the year 1976.

But now things are changing and had started to fall in places. With the continuous effort, the cricket team is making a place in heart and globe as well.

In the year 2017, under the captaincy of Mithali Raj India found the great team, that make people believe in their guts by their outstanding performance in ICC Women’s World Cup. In which Harmanpreet Kaur, act as an all-rounder.

The women are trying to put their leg hard in practice for their upcoming competitive matches, smashing the gender clause and changing the equation men’s in blue with women’s in blue. And glancing the eyeball for the long lost founded game.

Cricketers like Virat Kohli and Sachin Tendulkar has raised their hand in support of better media limelight, brand endorsement and publicity for the Indian Women Cricket Team.

I hope that in the upcoming future this team cherishes the victory with tones of accomplishments and respect in the glance of the world.

Bidding you Goodbye, I want you to follow the steps of your dream and aspire your girlfriends to play cricket not just as their hobby but as inspiration to make a career if they wish so, because in your future it's not just game for man, bottles are turning in women favour as well. Follow your dream and heart, crashing the gender bars in career and social norms and make your future self proud.

Yours Lovingly,
Your Future self❤️

Sunday, July 28, 2019



Dear Younger Me,

I hope you are doing well. Today I want to share some thrilling news about our country's new landmark soon to be set on the moon's surface.

I am well known to your interest in celestial bodies and outer space. Whether its constellation sightseeing or special celestial events. The zeal that you have for learning something new about the universe and unknown galaxies I have lived and enjoyed the most.

You must be knowing about the  ‘Chandrayaan -1', lunar probe by ISRO  that took the flight in the year 2008, with the mission of high resolution of mineralogy, chemical imaging and searching water especially. With the successful expedition of 312 revolutions around the moon, India became the first country to discover water source on it, giving the high hopes of future human settlement.

You will be glad to know that on 22 July 2019, India launched its second lunar probe ‘Chandrayaan-2' under ISRO. With the successful landing suspected to be in September,  India will become the first nation to land on the south pole of the moon, and fourth nation to touch the moon's surface.

It was launched from Satish Dhawan space centre, Sriharikota of Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh.  This mission aims for discovering ice craters on the southern lunar pole in the form of the water source, as there are great chances of having crater being hidden from direct sunlight rays. This mission also aims for the discovery of mineralogy, setting up possibilities of base camp mapping and launchpad. Apart from it, the probe will also check the occurrence of the earthquake on the moon's surface.
This mission was made under make-in India project.

You will be glad to know about the women's major contribution in the project, headed under  Project Director Ms Muthaya Vanitha and Mission Director Ms Ritu Karidhal and the number of other women and the team's enduring efforts to make India reach the place where once it has dreamt of.

At last, bidding you goodbye this proud Indian wants to aspire you for becoming a responsible and proud citizen of the country ‘INDIA'. And feel the zeal as your future self is experiencing.

Yours Lovingly,
Your Future Self❤

Tuesday, July 23, 2019



Dear Younger Me,

I hope that you are doing well. Writing the letter to you is like living the era again as an illusion of hopes, living in the shade of mother nature’s lap enjoying its abundance and sources.

You must be wondering, why I am suddenly talking to you about nature’s beauty and its renewable resources?... My dear, these renewable ailments don’t tag as re-occurring sources of nature anymore.

You much must be studying in textbooks that water is a renewable and head source of the living hood. 

You must also be aware of water pollution and its future worse outcome. That future is here that we are living in the year 2019.
The population of 1.37 billion is facing the wrath of the water crisis in form of drought, contaminated drinking water, Scorching level of groundwater. Around 2 lakh people are dying every year due to improper access of safe water, lakhs are knocking hospital gates for the treatment of water-borne diseases. 

In 2018, NITI Aayog, policy tank of Government Of India released the  Composite Water Management Index in which 21 major cities are racing for zero groundwater levels by 2020, including metropolitans. Report also limelights that till 2030, 40% of Indians won’t have access to drinking water which will be further resulting as almost no drinking water access to Indians till 2040.
Although the Officials are taking every step possible for fighting nature’s crisis. But as Responsible citizen, I advise you to save as much as water you can. I dearly wish I would have been at your place today to save water for better tomorrow.

The little could you do at your pace is using only as much water needed. Close taps tightly and get a call for a plumber for leaking taps. Rainwater harvesting and collecting water from purifier’s pipes, that your future technology has for water purification.

Its time to bid you Goodbye...With the hope that you are a responsible citizen and saving water is your duty. Each step of individual matters. Enlighten yourself and your surrounding to protect water, so that they are prepared well enough to fight the water crisis that your future self is coming across.

Yours Lovingly,
Your Future Self❤️

Friday, July 19, 2019



Dear Younger Me,

I know that there is no possible way, that you could read this. But being the 20th century born and 21st century raised kid has always brought me the fascination to pen down the letter to you so that you could prepare yourself for better tomorrow. 

When I was the budding teenager as, like you, I have so many dreams and thoughts regarding adulthood phase. My wanderlust mind didn’t even rest for a second. At my younger age, I use to think that adulthood is full of roses and making your life all of it my own is super fun, with no restrictions at all. And at that moment, all I want is to can’t wait to be all grown up.

 But today I realize how beautiful the ‘ bachpan’ was!  

Living the day like last day, playing like there will be no tomorrow, having fun without adverse technologies, finding the ultimate joy in paper boats and streamers were the real perks of childhood. And believe me, writing these little memories of you is hitting me back nostalgia. And I heartily wish that you would have known and cherished more because this ‘ bachpan ’ is not going to come back under any circumstances.

But to mind, you, be prepared to take challenges and grab the opportunities that come in your way to better prepare yourself for adulthood, where there is nothing like your childhood adulthood’s fascination.
It’s the world full of ambitious people, crawling over each other to reach their destination. Run the marathon to juggle yourself for becoming financially, economically, emotionally and mentally independent. 

I know you have been raised hard and have the stamina to make decisions. Choose each and every path carefully by not getting influenced by flock and herd. Be wise, regress your action and make yourself a better version of future me, which I will be proud of.

Be bold and determined. Be humble and kind. Learn to tackle fear, priorities, step out of comfort zones to achieve your aim.

Now its time to bid you goodbye with the promise that now me and my younger ‘ you’ will always be in touch. And I will keep telling you more about events and stories that your future self has come across from this adulthood phase.

Yours Lovingly,
Your Future Self ❤