Tuesday, July 23, 2019



Dear Younger Me,

I hope that you are doing well. Writing the letter to you is like living the era again as an illusion of hopes, living in the shade of mother nature’s lap enjoying its abundance and sources.

You must be wondering, why I am suddenly talking to you about nature’s beauty and its renewable resources?... My dear, these renewable ailments don’t tag as re-occurring sources of nature anymore.

You much must be studying in textbooks that water is a renewable and head source of the living hood. 

You must also be aware of water pollution and its future worse outcome. That future is here that we are living in the year 2019.
The population of 1.37 billion is facing the wrath of the water crisis in form of drought, contaminated drinking water, Scorching level of groundwater. Around 2 lakh people are dying every year due to improper access of safe water, lakhs are knocking hospital gates for the treatment of water-borne diseases. 

In 2018, NITI Aayog, policy tank of Government Of India released the  Composite Water Management Index in which 21 major cities are racing for zero groundwater levels by 2020, including metropolitans. Report also limelights that till 2030, 40% of Indians won’t have access to drinking water which will be further resulting as almost no drinking water access to Indians till 2040.
Although the Officials are taking every step possible for fighting nature’s crisis. But as Responsible citizen, I advise you to save as much as water you can. I dearly wish I would have been at your place today to save water for better tomorrow.

The little could you do at your pace is using only as much water needed. Close taps tightly and get a call for a plumber for leaking taps. Rainwater harvesting and collecting water from purifier’s pipes, that your future technology has for water purification.

Its time to bid you Goodbye...With the hope that you are a responsible citizen and saving water is your duty. Each step of individual matters. Enlighten yourself and your surrounding to protect water, so that they are prepared well enough to fight the water crisis that your future self is coming across.

Yours Lovingly,
Your Future Self❤️

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